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There's a running joke here on LA about tree law being far more serious business than you'd expect- and it's true- trees can be valued incredibly high by the courts and they're not something you want to fuck around with- some trees can go for 5 figures in price, depending on the age, and size of the tree. In some states, like Oregon, and as a general concept in tort law, there is something called 'treble damages' where you pay as much as three times the value of something, in this case, a tree- and three times the value of a tree can get incredibly expensive when, once again, trees can be tens of thousands of dollars.

To answer your questions:

  1. If you're looking for damages or money, you sold yourself short by verbally agreeing to pay nothing, and for him [the person who caused you damages, possibly to your property value] to clean the cut down trees + plant new trees.

  2. You're owed the value of the trees.

  3. There are lawyers who literally specialize in 'tree law'- no joke.

  4. Consult a lawyer before you allow these people to get away with the damages they've done to you.

This is something out of the scope of simple advice for the subreddit- you want a real lawyer + arborist for this- an arborist to determine the value of the trees cut down, and a lawyer [tree law lawyer!] to go after these people for your damages.

I 19 F have a crush on my classmate 19 M but he's hard to read. deleted Similar Posts in r/relationships. R/relationships 2d. I cut off my (35F) step-sister (34F) after she gave me the silent treatment. I 19 F have a crush on my classmate 19 M but he's hard to read. deleted Similar Posts in r/relationships. R/relationships 2d. I cut off my (35F) step-sister (34F) after she gave me the silent treatment. +.9999, but skip the chapter on. Familial abuse was the problem, IIRC. It's mostly a good read, but Gavin clearly has some personal hangups and it comes out in the form of sharply turning from supporting women trying to survive abusive situation to victim blaming mothers who aren't able to leave their abusers.

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It doesn't matter what I say, you'll make an excuse for it.

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A lot of people seem to think the unless I'm able to properly answer a question such as, 'Name the time & date that I was born in, along with which hospital & which room.'

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It's very possible that I will get the room number, but it's not something that I can command.

Being psychic is about being a receiver. the real power comes from spirit guides. Whatever information they tell me, whether it's through clairvoyance (an image) or clairaudience (a sound), I am not able to ask them which specific information to give me over long distance.

Like I said in the Omegle proof, I was just having a regular conversation, had no intent on proving anything, but, suddenly, at random, the thought of Minnesota came into my mind. In a still, small, voice. You're probably not a Christian, but the Bible does refer to the still small voice. Our intuition. It comes from a higher power. That is how I knew he was from Minnesota.

If I get something wrong, it's from either two possibilities.

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  1. I misinterpret the symbols.

  2. I receive no information, so I subconsciously come up with something in my head.

If you really want a reading, I'd be happy to give it to you, but at a price. No, I normally don't charge for readings, but you haven't been the nicest person towards me nor have you been very respectful.

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Don't worry, if you really want this I wouldn't ask for a price until after the reading is done.